Eat. Pray. Love. Laugh. Live.

DISCLAIMER: The thoughts, words and messages contained in this blog ARE reflective of the thoughts words and messages of the author - whom, by the way, is pretty much awesome.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Laugh. Love my moped. . .love my dog.

The other day I was driving around in my neighborhood and I just had to laugh. . .there was an older lady drying a little red moped, wearing a little red helmet. . .as she passed in front of me I realized that she also had her little dog in her lap. I wished I would have been fast enough to snap a picture - but the one below gives you the idea.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Eat. Sometimes being Lazy pays off

I am doing the dreaded "conversion" from night shifts to day shifts. . .I got off this morning around 7:20 - got home at 8:30 (thanks Houston traffic!!!) - slept from 10AM-2PM - and am now forcing myself to stay up until 10PM so that I can get up at 5:30AM to make it to LBJ for the 7A-7P shift tomorrow.

Not only does filp-flopping disturb your sleeping habits, it also throws off your eating schedule too. This morning at 8:30am I had to choose to either eat breakfast or dinner! Now its 7pm and I'm hungry again!! My fridge is stocked with tons of HEALTHY options - chicken, fish, turkey, spinach, fat free this, low calorie that. . .but do you know what I want - CHICK-FIL-A!!! And no, I don't want the simple grilled chicken sandwich that I could drive thru and get and bring home and drink my water and eat my fruit as a side. . .

(btw - this is a GREAT OPTION - always plan out WHAT you are going to eat BEFORE you get hungry and DON'T look at the menu once you get there!! Drive-thru windows are great as long as you don't "order by number" - just get the salad or the grilled sandwich or the burger - you'll save yourself lots of $$$ and lots of CALORIES that way!!!) . . .I digress. . .

NOOO - I want the NUMBER uhhhh - whatever the original chicken sandwich is (the crispy one that doesn't come with vegetables) - with the RED BIIIGGG waffle fries and the BIIIIG cherry coke AND FOUR honey mustard sauces AND a brownie!!! However, this 44 point meal (I'm a weight watchers girl – for the non-weight watchers peeps that’s a TOTAL of 1630 calories!!!) would mean that I'd have to actually go find my shoes and look in the mirror to make sure that I'm presentable AND waltz the entire 0.12 miles to the chick-fil-a that is located in front of my apartment complex. (NOTE TO SELF - next time I'm ranking apartment complexes, make sure the "its right next to Chick-Fil-A is a NEGATIVE" - your weight watchers points will thank you!!)

Anyhow - now that I've spent 15 minutes working on this post - and I'm thinking that I've got to be at work in 12 hours I've lost my drive. . .guess I'll go with the 6 point option that is in my refrigerator. . .because that one doesn't require shoes!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Hobby

I need a hobby!! I've been told ever since I was 6 years old or so that I should grow up to be a writter. . .however my spelling is atrocious!!!! (Thank you soooo much spell check in Word - which is where I usually copy & paste my posts into before publishing them!!!). . .so I decided to take the "easy" road and become a doctor instead! (haha!)

Since my last post I've been very very very very very BUSY!!! I've been a pediatric resident working 80 hours a week in what is known as "one of the busiest pediatric residencies." I've learned sooo much - about medicine, children's health, parents, life, death, the unfairness of this world - and a whole lot about myself. I have sooo many stories. . .most of them I cannot repeat right now due to "patient confidentiality" - but many of them have touched my heart and are helping to shape the way I look at the world.

I have several things that I have definate opinons about - and funny stories about - so I'm borrowing from the title of the book/movie (which by the way, I NEVER READ or WATCHED nor am I planning or READING or WATCHING) because they kinda cover topics I've got thoughts about:

I, like 78% of Americans ,struggle with "being a healthy weight." One of my big interests and something I'm considering specializing in is Childhood Obesity. I made a New Years resolution (like 43% of Americans) to work on my health this year. . .and like most people I didn't really formulate any plan. Last month I got to work in the "weight management" clinic (aka: Obesity clinic with a more PC name to not make kids feel bad about themselves) - and I had the most charming 5 year old girl as one of my patients. I was advising her on health choices, and amt of time for physical activity when I got around to asking her "so, what did you have for lunch 'Kimberly'?" She told me in detail what she had eaten . . .then turned the question back on me. . ."So Dr. Adkins, what did you have for lunch?" That single statement from that 5 year old girl has changed my outlook on things. I have decided to “practice what I preach.” Whatever I tell my kiddos to do, I am going to do myself! In my research about weight loss, it was shown that people who are open/accountable and who blogged about their struggles. . .please note that I am a REAL person who happens to have a medical degree – so I will promise to be truthful – and probably will be mostly funny about weight loss!!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a Christian (or at least I hope they do!) I was raised VERY conservatively, attending church EVERY time the doors were open, was the champion at sword drills (explanation – ‘sword drills’ are where the Sunday school teacher would yell out a random verse like ‘Genesis 7:12’ and everyone would grab their Bibles and try to be the first one to find the verse), and got through my teenage and college years without any huge tragedy. I accepted everything as black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. . .then I became a physician and discovered “GREY”. I had to make ethical decisions on the spot that were REAL and out of all my years of going to church and studying the Bible and listening to sermons, I had never heard a sermon preached or a lesson taught that covered my dilemma. I couldn’t rely on my head knowledge of Christ – I had to truly seek HIM out and figure out what the best thing to do was. . .I’ve grown more in these past 18 months and yet now realize how much more I don’t know and how DEPENDABLE I am on Him.

Ha – this one is fun! There are many forms of “love” – I will save you the lesson, but just believe me there are! For instance – I LOVE my mom, I LOVE cookie dough, I LOVE the blanket Ms. Deanna made for me, I LOVE Chick-Fil-A, I LOVE massages from Chris (who is a lady who works at a massage parlor!!), I LOVE going to sleep without setting an alarm, I LOVE going to my aunt and uncles cabin, I LOVE talking to my friends on the phone, ect. . .you get my point! Also included in this section is going to be my funny stories about being a single and dating as 30 year old in 2011! (NOTE: yes, I am currently dating someone right now – which will likely make its way into the blog, but I have funny stories about ‘not so good’ dates!)

My main mood is being happy and laughing. I survive my days because I can find humor in almost everything! This laugh section will probably find its way into the majority of my posts – because I’ve been told that I’m hilarious – especially when I’m not trying to be funny.

I see tragedy happen on a daily basis at work and in my own personal life – like everyone, I’ve got “a story” about my own personal tragedy – but I must say, if I hadn’t gone through the tough times, I really don’t think I would have enjoyed the good times quite as much. I truly do take the attitude that life if short – and we’ve got to celebrate the little things. I actually love doing “regular stuff” like going to the grocery store and washing clothes and talking on the phone to my grandmother. I also love to travel and see the world!

I’m not sure if it is my self-diagnosed ADHD or my sleep deprivation – but my mind is going 100 miles a minute ALL the time. . .and sometimes I just need to write. I will try to give a little word on my facebook page if/when I blog – but know that if I’m in a month where I’m working at the 80 hour limit, I likely won’t be blogging. I also can’t tell many of the stories from work because of HIPAA and patient confidentiality. ..but I can tell you about me and what I’m thinking – which could be pretty entertaining! Haha!